DOI : 10.1055/s-00000054


Issue 05 · Volume 50 · September 2017 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-34814

Abstracts of the 30th Symposium of the AGNP
Munich, Germany, 04.–06.10.2017

Chairs: Johannes Thome, Rostock; Jens Wiltfang, Göttingen; Golo Kronenberg, Rostock

Kopf-Beck, J; Sämann, P; Höhn, D; Egli, S; Friess, E; Graf, P; Leistner, S; Ruderer, A; Walker, H; Brandi, M; Wolff, G von; Schilbach, L; Rein, M; Keck, M: The MPI-PT Study: Understanding common and differential efficacy patterns of schema therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of depression
Herzog, D; Perumal, N; Manicam, C; Engelmann, J; Jene, T; Treccani, G; van der Kooij, M; Grus, F; Müller, M: Serial assessment of CSF proteome following 2R,6R-Hydroxynorketamine administration in the mouse: in search for rapid acting antidepressant targets
Bouter, Y; Brzózka, M; Rohleder, C; Rygula, R; Leweke, M; Wiltfang, J; Havemann-Reinecke, U: Effects of social defeat on the endocannabinoid system
Friedel, E; Bach, M; Tebartz van Elst, L; Bubl, E: Retinal dysfunction of contrast processing in depressive disorder
Mikoteit, T; Maier, F; Miché, M; Wersebe, H; Imboden, C; Hatzinger, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Lieb, R; Gloster, A: Impact of irregular sleep patterns on emotion regulation and cognitive flexibility in patients with major depression and in healthy controls
Paucke, M; Strauß, M; Ulke, C; Huang, J; Mauche, N; Sander, C; Stark, T; Hegerl, U: Brain Arousal regulation in adult ADHD
Mikoteit, T; Kurath, J; Hartmann, F; Ackermann, S; Papassotiropoulos, A; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Eckert, A: In healthy young men the eveningness chronotype was associated with lower serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Sadeghi Bahmani, D; Ahmadpanah, M; Haghighi, M; Akhondi, A; Ghaleiha, A; Jahangard, L; Holsboer-Trachsler, S: Influence of adjuvant detached mindfulness and stress management training compared to pharmacologic treatment in primiparae with postpartum depression
Filiou, M; Guillermier, C; Poczatek, C; Wang, M; Chen, A; Turck, C; Lechene, C: Paroxetine treatment alters hippocampal protein turnover
Mikoteit, T; Farronato, F; Spoormaker, V; Steiger, A; Pawlowski, M: Blunted heart rate variability during sleep in drug-naive major depression is related to poor sleep
Sauder, T; Schmitt, S; Meier, F; Engelen, J; Bröhl, H; Yüksel, D; Heinen, J; Dietsche, B; Zaremba, D; Meinert, S; Bürger, C; Dohm, K; Förster, K; Redlich, R; Dannlowski, U; Kircher, T; Krug, A; Nenadić, I: The Impact of a Polygenic Risk for Bipolar Disorder on Memory-related Activation in the Precuneus
Nussbaumer, M; Asara, J; Teplytska, L; Murphy, M; Chen, A; Turck, C; Filiou, M: MitoQ administration exerts anxiolytic effects in vivo
Hessmann, A; Dodel, P; Kis, B; Zeidler, J; Klora, M; Reese, J; Balzer-Geldsetzer, M: Use of Antidementia Drugs in German Patients with Alzheimer's disease across all Severity Stages of Dementia
Kaiser, I; Overdick, L; Blazynski, N; Clement, C; Schneider-Momm, K; Clement, H; Fleischhaker, C; Schulz, E: Restricted Elimination diet for Children with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Fekete, S; Egberts, K; Preissler, T; Wewetzer, C; Mehler-Wex, C; Romanos, M; Gerlach, M: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) of children and adolescents with tic disorders treated with tiapride
Filiou, M; Wood, P; Teplytska, L; Otte, D; Zimmer, A; Turck, C: Myelination changes in schizophrenia: Converging evidence from mice and humans
Schmitt, S; Sauder, T; Meier, F; Engelen, J; Bröhl, H; Dietsche, B; Heinen, J; Yüksel, D; Zaremba, D; Meinert, S; Dohm, K; Förster, K; Bürger, C; Redlich, R; Dannlowski, U; Kircher, T; Krug, A; Nenadić, I: The Impact of Polygenic Risk for Schizophrenia on Memory-related Activation in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC)
Steiger, A; Adamczyk, M; Uhr, M; Pawlowski, M; Friess, E: Sleep Electroencephalogram and CRH R1 Genotype in Healthy Volunteers
Abshir Ahmed, Y; Beitinger, P; Steiger, A; Pawlowski, M: sLORETA Neuroimaging study on Olanzapine II_focus on HRV
Abshir Ahmed, Y; Beitinger, P; Steiger, A; Pawlowski, M: sLORETA Neuroimaging study on Olanzapine I_focus on appetite
Sadeghi Bahmani, D; Papadimitriou, M; Kesselring, J; Bansi, J; Gerber, M; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S: Physical activity impacts positively on depression and objective sleep in patients with MS
Petersson, L; Leschinski, A; Rhein, M; Frieling, H; Bleich, S; Hillemacher, T: Alterations of the OPRM1 gene methylation during alcohol withdrawal
Niklewski, F; Abdel-Hamid, M; Ntoulias, G; Guberina, N; Krämer, M; Dziobek, I; Wiltfang, J; Kis, B: Theory of mind deficits in adults with ADHD
Sadeghi Bahmani, D; Esmaeili, L; Shaygan Nejad, V; Gerber, M; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E: Longitudinal changes in mental toughness, sleep disturbances, and physical activity in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS)
Clement, H; Preiskorn, J; Studer, S; Ebert, K; Maurice, E; Böckmann, J; Fleischhaker, C; Schulz, E: Oral fluid as an alternative matrix for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Filiou, M; Arefin, A; Moscato, P; Graeber, M: Finding our way through the ‘neuroinflammation’ fog
Graf, H; Wiegers, M; Metzger, C; Walter, M; Grön, G; Abler, B: Noradrenergic Modulation of Primary and Secondary Rewards in Healthy Subjects
Schott, B; Lang, D; Kulikovskaja, L; van Ham, M; Jänsch, L; Gundelfinger, E; Smalla, K; Dunay, I: Synaptic proteome alterations in chronic toxoplasma gondii-infected mice suggest interference with glutamatergic neurotransmission