DOI : 10.1055/s-00000054


Ausgabe 03 · Volume 53 · Mai 2020 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-48404

TDM-Gruppe der AGNP
XIVth Symposium of the Task Force Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of the AGNP
Mannheim, Germany, 13.05 - 15.05.2020

Due to safety considerations in connection with the spread of SARS-CoV-2, this meeting was cancelled. It may be held at a later date, please check the AGNP website for updates.

Organizing committee: Gerhard Gründer, Xenia Hart Program committee: Gerhard Gründer / Chairman Niels Bergemann, Karin Egberts, Ekkehard Haen, Ursula Havemann-Reinecke, Gudrun Hefner, Christoph Hiemke, Andreas Menke, Rainald Mössner, Florian Ridders, Georgios Schoretsanitis