DOI: 10.1055/s-00046128

Journal of the American Academy of Audiology

Issue 01 · Volume 32 · January 2021 DOI: 10.1055/s-011-50573


Jacobson, Gary P.; Editor-in-Chief: The “Reversal Nystagmus” in BPPV

Research Article

Wu, Yu-Hsiang; Xu, Jingjing; Stangl, Elizabeth; Pentony, Shareka; Vyas, Dhruv; Chipara, Octav; Gudjonsdottir, Anna; Oleson, Jacob; Galster, Jason: Why Ecological Momentary Assessment Surveys Go Incomplete: When It Happens and How It Impacts Data
Walter, Jeffrey; Azeredo, W. James; Greene, J. Scott; Andera, Luke: Prevalence of “Reversal Nystagmus” in Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Case Report

Cline, Trey; Colgrove, Nicole; Bush, Matthew; Lee, Jessica; Powell, David; Andersen, Anders; Weihing, Jeffrey; Musiek, Frank; Shinn, Jennifer: Behavioral and Hemodynamic Changes Following Dichotic Training in Patients with Neurological Deficits of the Auditory Nervous System: A Case Series