DOI : 10.1055/s-00000036


Issue S 02 · Volume 101 · May 2022 DOI: 10.1055/s-012-53666

Abstract- und Posterband - 93. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn Interface - Fokus Mensch im Zeitalter der technisierten Medizin
Deutsche Messe Hannover, 25.–28.05.2022

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Hans-J. Welkoborsky

Burkhardt, Valentin; Voss, Pit; Poxleitner, Philipp; Becker, Christoph: Interdisciplinary management of advanced temporal and parotid malignancies
Duong, Dinh Thien An; Ilgner, Justus; Modabber, Ali; Hölzle, Frank; Hackenberg, Stephan: Microsurgical reconstruction in the setting of complex ablative tumor surgery – an interdisciplinary treatment strategy
Gebel, Annika; Eichhorn, Sabine; Kim, Jonghui; Park, Jonas Jae-Hyun: Midface reconstruction using customized Bioverit implant
Hüser, Marc Albert; Dombrowski, Tobias; Meyer, Alexander; Beutner, Dirk: Case report of a patient with microcystic adnexal carcinoma of the parotid region
Haßkamp, Pia; Hussain, Timon; Lang, Stephan; Mattheis, Stefan: Long term results after supraglottic tumor resection with the Medrobotics Flex​ Robotic system
Kasaboglu, Julide; Terziev, Ivan; Popov, Todor Miroslavov; Rangachev, Julian: Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck – A Case Series
Lazak, Jan; Betka, Jan; Cada, Zdenek; Fik, Zdenek; Zverina, Eduard; Plzak, Jan: Outcomes of facial nerve reconstructive surgery
Loeck, Jonathan; Blake, Felix; Knief, Juliana; Thorns, Christoph; Münscher, Adrian; Möckelmann, Nikolaus: Spontaneous regression of a locally advanced carcinoma of the oral cavity
Podsiedlik, Andreas; Cantemir, Simona; Eichhorn, Sabine; Park, Jonas J.-H.: The antero-lateral thigh (ALT) flap as a plastic-reconstructive method insalvage surgery in the head and neck region
Scholtz, Lars-Uwe; Todt, Ingo; Walle, Leonard; Jadeed, Rawad; Pfeiffer, Christoph; Fansa, Hisham; Frerichs, Onno; Sudhoff, Holger: Microvascular anastomosis in pre-treated patients with head and neck carcinomas – a microsurgical challenge
Schraven, Sebastian P.; Kossack, Benjamin; Strüder, Daniel; Jung, Maximillian; Skopnik, Lotte; Wisotzky, Eric Larry; Mlynski, Robert: Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) for intaoperative perfusion monitoring of free microvascular anastomosed fasciocutaneous flaps
Wittig, Lukas; Betz, Christian Stephan; Bewarder, Julian; Böttcher, Arne; Stölzel, Katharina; Eggert, Dennis: Postoperative flap monitoring using Hyperspectral Imaging – A case series