DOI : 10.1055/s-00000034

Klinische Pädiatrie

Issue 05 · Volume 234 · September 2022 DOI: 10.1055/s-012-55147

43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Pneumologie
Bern, 28.–30.09.2022

Tagungspräsidenten: Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Latzin, Bern

Maison, N; Omony, J; Illi, S; Thiele, D; Skevaki, C; Dittrich, A-M; Bahmer, T; Rabe, KF; Weckmann, M; Happle, C; Schaub, B; Meyer, M; Foth, S; Rietschel, E; Renz, H; Kopp, MV; Hansen, G; von Mutius, E; Grychtol, R: T2-high asthma across all ages – comparative analysis in children and adults from the ALLIANCE cohort
Bartz, C; Hirani, D; Selle, J; Vohlen, C; Wilke, R; Kuiper-Makris, C; Nies, C; Wagde, V; Dötsch, J; Alejandre Alcazar, MA: Targeting IL-6 to prevent vascular and bronchial remodeling in an experimental model of bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Streibel, C; Willers, C; Pusterla, O; Bauman, G; Stranzinger, E; Brabandt, B; Bieri, O; Bullo, M; Korten, I; Krüger, L; Casaulta, C; Latzin, P; Kieninger, E: Effects of elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor in children with cystic fibrosis: a comprehensive assessment using spirometry, lung-clearance-index, functional and structural lung MRI
Schreck, LD; Pedersen, ESL; Cizeau, I; Kruljac, C; Lucas, JS; Goutaki, M; Kuehni, CE: Diagnostic testing in people with primary ciliary dyskinesia around the world: where do we stand?
Busack, LM; Thee, S; Röhmel, J; Krüger, R; Mall, MA; von Bernuth, H; Stahl, M: Multiple-breath washout zum Nachweis einer Lungenbeteiligung bei Patienten mit primären Immundefekten
Mallet, MC; Pedersen, ESL; Makhoul, R; Blanchon, S; Hoyler, K; Jochmann, A; Latzin, P; Moeller, A; Regamey, N; Sutter, O; Goutaki, M; Spycher, BD; Kuehni, CE: Cough phenotypes in children: findings from the Swiss Paediatric Airway Cohort