DOI : 10.1055/s-00000034

Klinische Pädiatrie

Issue 05 · Volume 234 · September 2022 DOI: 10.1055/s-012-55147

43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Pneumologie
Bern, 28.–30.09.2022

Tagungspräsidenten: Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Latzin, Bern

Forstner, M; Lin, S; Yang, X; Kinting, S; Rothenaigner, I; Schorpp, K; Li, Y; Hadian, K; Griese, M: High-content screen identifies cyclosporin A as a novel ABCA3-specific molecular corrector
Ohl, K; Subramanyam, SH; Verjans, E; Clarner, T; Böll, S; Costa Filho, IG; Li, Z; Gan, L; Schmitt, E; Bopp, T; Wagner, N; Schulz, S; Goodarzi, T; Scheld, M; Floess, S; Huehn, J; Lambrecht, B; Beyaert, R; Look, T; Zenke, M; Tenbrock, K: Foxp3-specific deletion of CREB generates ST-2 positive regulatory T-cells with shifts towards type 2 immune responses
DeStefano, S; Jirmo, AC; Habener, A; Tereno-Monteiro, J; Funken, D; Happle, C; Urner, K; Schaub, B; Grychtol, R; Hansen, G: Impaired perinatal tolerance development in NLRP3-/-mice
Gorlanova, O; Nissen-Kratzert, A; Mostacci, N; Künstle, N; Marten, A; Gisler, A; Bacher, K; Salem, Y; Usemann, J; Korten, I; Yammine, S; Nahum, U; Schulzke, A; Latzin, P; Fuchs, O; Hilty, M; Frey, U: Comparison of nasal microbiota between term and preterm infants at mean post-menstrual age of 45 weeks
Hirani, D; Thielen, F; Vohlen, C; Danopoulos, S; Mansouri, S; Haznedar-Karakaya, P; Mohr, J; Wilke, R; Koningsbruggen-Rietschel, S; Al-Alam, D; Savai, R; Dötsch, J; Alejandre Alcazar, MA: CXCL10 deficiency protects from lung macrophage invasion and enables lung growth during acute injury and recovery in experimental bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Bode, S; Toth, M; Sailer, L; Käppler-Schorn, C; Siebeneich, U; Rösler, V; Freihorst, J; Fabricius, D: Dyspnoe nach SARS-CoV-2 Infektion – Post-/Long-COVID oder doch DATIV und ILO?
Affolter, J; Rohland, E; Philippe, M; Tal, K; Auer, R; Jakob, J: Use of tobacco, nicotine, and cannabis products among students in two Swiss cantons