DOI : 10.1055/s-00000036


Issue S 02 · Volume 102 · May 2023 DOI: 10.1055/s-013-57506

94th Annual Meeting German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery e.V., Bonn
Congress Center Leipzig, 17.–20.05.2023

President: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Orlando Guntinas-Lichius

Buhr, Raphael Christoph; Bahr-Hamm, Katharina; Kousha, Obaid; Blaikie, Andrew: Frugal tele-otoscopy for low resource settings – an online evaluation study among ENT specialists
Geisthoff, Urban; Abozenah, Nermin; Stuck, A. Boris: Video consultation (VC) for patients with vascular anomalies – first results
Georgiou, Panagiotis; Eichhorn, Sabine; Rolle, Johanna; Kaiyas, Yasser A.; Park, J.-H. Jonas: First clinical application of an AI-supported diagnosis assistance system
Hoffmann, Sophie Anna; Bhattacharya, Debayan; Becker, Benjamin; Beyersdorff, Dirk; Petersen, Elina; Petersen, Marvin; Eggert, Dennis; Schläfer, Alexander; Betz, Christian: Analysing the feasibility of an automated AI-based classifier for detecting paranasal anomalies in the maxillary sinus
Matin-Mann, Farnaz; Gao, Ziwen; Repp, Felix; John, Samuel; Alcacer, Dorian Labrador; Lenarz, Thomas; Scheper, Verena: In-silico and ex-vivo validation of semi-automatic segmentation and patient specific implant design for the round window niche to treat inner ear disorders
Mers, Lena; Mothes, Oliver; Denzler, Joachim; Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando; Dobel, Christian: The time course of emotional human facial expression – the development of an artificial intelligence based paradigm for quantification
Pursche, Nils; Eckbauer, Fabian; Beutner, Dirk; Dombrowski, Tobias: Capture Cards for easy use of own images and videos from diagnostics
Reinhardt, Sophia; Schmidt, Joshua; Schneider, Jonas; Schulte, Elena; Hartmann, Christian; Leuschel, Michael; Schüle, Christaine; Schipper, Jörg: Mobile videonystagmography for everybody
Stöhr, Matthäus; Hikal, Aisha; Gaebel, Jan; Dietz, Andreas: Development of a digital patient model to support treatment decisions in head and neck cancer
Zokoll, A. Melanie; Radeloff, Andreas; Arweiler, Diana Harbeck; Goldberg-Bockhorn, Eva; Baumann, Uwe; Just, Tino; Müller, Verena; Neudert, Marcus; Hessel, Horst; Meis, Markus: Patient effort and satisfaction with telemedicine and traditional CI follow-up compared