Planta Med 1964; 12(2): 173-176
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1100165
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York


Part. IV. A. Phytochemical Investigation of Seeds of C. anagyroides M. L. Sethi, C. K. Atal
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Publication History

Publication Date:
15 January 2009 (online)


Besides 1–methylenepyrrolizidine, which is reported from Australian C. anagyroides, the authors have isolated senecionine from introduced Indian C. anagyroides. The main liquid alkaloid obtained from the crude base by distillation at 72–75°/36 mm. gave empirical formula C8H13N, picrate, m. p. 210–213° and picrolonate m. p. 172–173°. These characters as well as its IR and NMR show that it is identical with 1–methylenepyrrolizidine isolated by Culvenor and Smith (1959) from an Australian C. anagyroides. A solid base, empirical formula C18H25NO5 m. p. 232–235° (decomp.), picrate m. p. 187–188°, methiodide m. p. 242–243° (decomp.) and nitrate m. p. 212–213° (decomp.) was also isolated. These characters as well as its IR show that it is indentical with senecionine, which is known to occur in C. juncea, Executes quadridentata and many Senecio species.


In Crotalaria anagyroides (Leguminosae) wurde Senecionin nachgewiesen.