Eur J Pediatr Surg 2011; 21(5): 343-345
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1279743
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© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Fetal Extraperitoneal Rectal Perforation in a Preterm Baby

A. A. Ibrahim1 , A. S. Elkadhi1 , N. Nimeri2
  • 1Hamad Medical Corporation, Pediatric Surgery Department, Doha, Qatar
  • 2Hamad Medical Corporation, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Doha, Qatar
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15. Juni 2011 (online)


Fetal extraperitoneal rectal perforation (FERP) is a rare condition, with only 16 cases reported in the literature [1] [2] [3]. Classically, it presents with buttock swelling which results from meconium extravasations to the buttocks [1]. We reported a case of FERP which was confirmed in the immediate postnatal period. Surgical management was initiated early, with an excellent outcome.


  • 1 Pitcher GJ, Davies MR, Bowley DM. et al . Fetal extraperitoneal rectal perforation: a rare neonatal emergency.  J Pediatr Surg. 2009;  44 1405-1409
  • 2 Sundararajan L, Patel D, Jawaheer G. Antenatal rectal perforation presenting in the neonate.  Pediatr Surg Int. 2008;  24 601-603
  • 3 Davies MR, Cywes S, Rode H. Prenatal perforation of the extraperitoneal part of the rectum, associated with a developmental defect of the pelvic floor.  Z Kinderchir. 1984;  39 (4): 271-273
  • 4 Casaccia G, Giorlandino C, Catalano OA. et al . Prenatal rectal perforation: an unsuspected cause of isolated ascites.  J Pediatr Surg. 2006;  26 717-719
  • 5 Delarue A, Garcia-Meric P, Martin C. et al . Antenatal rupture of a diverticular rectal duplication with neonatal perineal fistulization.  Pediatr Surg Int. 1998;  13 288-289
  • 6 Mitsudo SM, Boley SJ, Rosenzweig MJ. et al . Extraperitoneal pelvic meconium extravasation in a newborn infant.  J Pediatr. 1983;  103 598-600


Dr. Ashraf Abdelhamid IbrahimMSc, MRCSI, MD 

Hamad Medical Corporation

Pediatric Surgery Department

3050 Doha


Telefon: +974 5521 23 76

Fax: +974 4436 25 31
