Planta Med 1995; 61(1): 41-44
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-957996

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Naturally Occurring Protein Kinase C Inhibitors; II1. Isolation of Oligomeric Stilbenes from Caragana sinica 2

Palaniappan Kulanthaivel3 , William P. Janzen3 , Lawrence M. Ballas3 , Jack B. Jiang3 , Chang-Qi Hu4 , James W. Darges3 , Jan C. Seldin3 , Divann J. Cofield3 , Laurel M. Adams3
  • 3Sphinx Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Durham, North Carolina 27717, U.S.A.
  • 4Department of Natural Drugs, School of Pharmacy, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
1 For part I see: Kulanthaivel, P., Hallock, Y. F., Boros, C, Hamilton, S. M, Janzen, W. P., Ballas, L. M., Loomis, C. R., Jiang, J. B., Katz, B., Steiner, J. R., Clardy, J. (1993) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115, 64522 This taxon is also referred to as C. chamlagu Lamarck and C. grandifolia Dunn
Further Information

Publication History



Publication Date:
04 January 2007 (online)


The oligomeric stilbenes (+)-α-viniferin (1), miyabenol C (2), and kobophenol A (3) have been isolated from Caragana sinica (Buchoz) Rehd (Leguminosae). (+)-α-Viniferin (1) and miyabenol C (2) exhibited protein kinase C inhibitory activity at low micro-molar concentrations. (+)-α-Viniferin inhibited kera-tinocyte proliferation (0.4 µM) and free radical release in whole blood (47 µM), in vitro, and may be useful in treating hyperproliferative or inflammatory skin diseases.