Planta Med 1981; 43(11): 252-260
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-971506
Research Articles

© Hippokrates Verlag Stuttgart

Qualitative und quantitative Analyse von Herzglykosiddrogen durch HPLC-Verfahren

3. Mitteilung: Qualitative und quantitative HPLC der Cardenolide aus Nerium Oleander-Drogen und deren ZubereitungenG. Tittel, H. Wagner
  • Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie der Universität München, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
30 March 2007 (online)


The qualitative and quantitative estimation of cardiac glycosides from the leaves of Nerium species by an HPLC-method is described.

The analysis is performed on a C 18 reversed phase column by gradient elution.

For the quantitative estimation of the cardenolides Oleandrin is used as external standard. The cardenolide content in Nerium leaves of different origin showed marked differences in the quantitative distribution among the major glycosides.