Eur J Pediatr Surg 2007; 17(6): 387-392
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-989270
Original Article

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Surgery of Liver Tumors in Children in the Last 15 Years

A. M. Andres1 , F. Hernandez1 , M. Lopez-Santamaría1 , M. Gámez1 , J. Murcia1 , N. Leal1 , J. C. López Gutierrez1 , E. Frauca2 , A. Sastre3 , J. A. Tovar1
  • 1Department of Pediatric Surgery, Transplantation Unit, Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain
  • 2Department of Pediatric Hepatology, Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain
  • 3Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain
Further Information

Publication History

received May 14, 2007

accepted May 23, 2007

Publication Date:
11 December 2007 (online)


Aim: Aim of the study was to review our experience in the management of liver tumors in children over the last 15 years. Patients and Methods: A cohort of 78 children with liver tumors managed in our institution between 1991 and 2006 was retrospectively reviewed. There were 45 males and 33 females with a mean age of 32 ± 41 months at diagnosis. Most tumors were malignant (n = 57); the most frequently occurring tumor was hepatoblastoma (n = 47), followed by hepatocarcinoma (n = 5), sarcoma (n = 4), and lymphoma (n = 1). Vascular tumors (n = 12) predominated among the benign tumors followed by mesenchymal hamartoma (n = 4), focal nodular hyperplasia (n = 3), adenoma (n = 1), and inflammatory pseudotumor (n = 1). We reviewed the epidemiologic features, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment and outcomes. We employed MRI and angio-CT for SIOPEL PRETEXT staging and selected the management accordingly for malignant tumors. We analyzed the long-term survival using Kaplan-Meier curves. Results: Benign tumors had an excellent outcome with both medical or surgical management. Of the malignant tumors 4 were PRETEXT I and were treated by left lateral segmentectomy with 100 % survival; 20 were PRETEXT II (12 left and 8 right lobe) and were treated by lobectomy of the corresponding side, except for 1 case which required OLT (90 % survival); 9 children had PRETEXT III tumors requiring trisegmentectomy or extended lobectomies with OLT in 1 case (77.7 % survival). Fourteen children had PRETEXT IV tumors: 10 received OLT and 9 of them are still alive (64.2 % survival). Overall survival was 80.8 %, and actuarial survival at 6 years was 82.2 %. Other malignant tumors had variable results. Conclusions: Outcomes have improved much in the last years. Surgical removal is necessary in most cases. Transplantation is a very useful adjunct. Treatment of these tumors should be concentrated in centers with expertise.


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Dr. Manuel Lopez Santamaría

Department of Pediatric Surgery
Hospital Infantil La Paz

Paseo de la Castellana 261

28046 Madrid

