DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 10 · Volume 28 · October 2007 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-7048


Physiology & Biochemistry

Di Luigi, L.; Rossi, C.; Sgrò, P.; Fierro, V.; Romanelli, F.; Baldari, C.; Guidetti, L.: Do Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Influence the Steroid Hormone Milieu in Male Athletes?

Training & Testing

Cowley, P. M.; Swensen, T.; Sforzo, G. A.: Efficacy of Instability Resistance Training
Hrysomallis, C.; McLaughlin, P.; Goodman, C.: Balance and Injury in Elite Australian Footballers
Revelli, L.; Addolorato, G.; D'Amore, A.; Carrozza, C.; Giubileo, G.; Puiu, A.; Lombardi, C. P.; Bellantone, R.; Gasbarrini, G.; Progetto Abissi 2005 Dive Medical Group: Neuroendocrine and Psychological Assessment in a Guinness 10 Days Scuba Dive
Tammelin, T.; Remes, J.; Kujala, V.; Oksa, J.; Näyhä, S.; Zitting, P.; Järvelin, M.-R.: Cardiorespiratory Fitness of Finnish Adolescents
Granados, C.; Izquierdo, M.; Ibañez, J.; Bonnabau, H.; Gorostiaga, E. M.: Differences in Physical Fitness and Throwing Velocity Among Elite and Amateur Female Handball Players

Orthopedics & Biomechanics

Moisala, A.-S.; Järvelä, T.; Kannus, P.; Järvinen, M.: Muscle Strength Evaluations after ACL Reconstruction

Clinical Sciences

de Groot, S.; Dallmeijer, A. J.; van Asbeck, F. W. A.; Post, M. W. M.; Bussmann, J. B. J.; van der Woude, L.: Mechanical Efficiency and Wheelchair Performance during and after Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Behavioural Sciences

Tomporowski, P. D.; Beasman, K.; Ganio, M. S.; Cureton, K.: Effects of Dehydration and Fluid Ingestion on Cognition