DOI: 10.1055/s-00000012


Issue 05 · Volume 28 · June 1996 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-7946

Original Article

Meyenberger, C.; Meierhofer, U.; Michel-Harder, C.; Knuchel, J.; Wirth, H. P.; Bühler, H.; Münch, R.; Altorfer, J.: Long-Term Follow-Up After Treatment of Common Bile Duct Stones by Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripsy
van Berkel, A. M.; Bergman, J. J. G. H. M.; Waxman, I.; Andres, P.; Huibregtse, K.: Wallstents for Metastatic Biliary Obstruction
Fujiwara, Y.; Arakawa, T.; Fukuda, T.; Kimura, S.; Uchida, T.; Obata, A.; Higuchi, K.; Wakasa, K.; Sakurai, M.; Kobayashi, K.: Diagnosis of Borderline Adenomas of the Stomach by Endoscopic Mucosal Resection
Ido, K.; Isoda, N.; Taniguchi, Y.; Suzuki, T.; Ioka, T.; Nagamine, N.; Ueno, N.; Kumagai, M.; Kimura, K.: Laparoscopic Transcystic Cholangioscopic Lithotripsy for Common Bile Duct Stones During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy


Minimally Invasive Surgery

Case Report

Unusual Cases and Technical Notes

Shim, C. S.; Cho, Y. D.; Kim, J. O.; Bong, H. K.; Kim, Y. S.; Lee, J. S.; Lee, M. S.; Hwang, S. G.: A Case of Portal and Splenic Vein Thrombosis After Histoacryl Injection Therapy in Gastric Varices
Verborg, S. A.; Zejdl, P.; Williams, I. M.: Laparoscopy as an Adjuvant in Appendectomy
Weber, F. X.; Deplaix, P.; Barthélémy, C.; Védrines, P.; Audigier, J. C.: Laser-Assisted Removal of a Foreign Body from the Esophagus
Hsu, M.-T.; Lin, X.-Z.; Chang, T.-T.; Shin, J.-S.; Chen, C.-Y.; Sheu, B.-S.: Sequential Endoscopic Findings in Spontaneous Intramural Hematoma of the Esophagus
Hartleb, M.; Nowakowska-Dulawa, E.; Kasicka-Jonderko, A.; Nowak, A.: Massive Loss of Bile from the Nasobiliary Tube
Schaafsma, R. J. H.; Spoelstra, P.; Pakan, J.; Huibregtse, K.: Sigmoid Perforation: A Rare Complication of a Migrated Biliary Endoprosthesis
Tanno, S.; Maguchi, H.; Obara, T.; Fujii, T.; Santos, S. B.; Itoh, A.; Nishino, N.; Arisato, S.; Ura, H.; Kohgo, Y.: Endoscopic Treatment of Gallstone-Impacted Choledochocele Precisely Diagnosed by Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Louvel, D.; Musso, S.; Métivier, S.; Croizet, O.; Rouquet, R.-M.; Massip, P.; Escourrou, J.; Frexinos, J.: Idiopathic Esophageal Ulceration Associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection: Efficacy of Thalidomide Treatment