DOI: 10.1055/s-00027212

Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury

Ausgabe 01 · Volume 02 · Dezember 2007 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-27588


Research article

Bella, Anthony J; Fandel, Thomas M; Tantiwongse, Kavirach; Brant, William O; Klein, Robert D; Garcia, Carlos A; Lue, Tom F: Neurturin enhances the recovery of erectile function following bilateral cavernous nerve crush injury in the rat
Dahlin, Lars B; Erichs, Kristina; Andersson, Charlotte; Thornqvist, Catharina; Backman, Clas; Düppe, Henrik; Lindqvist, Pelle; Forslund, Marianne: Incidence of early posterior shoulder dislocation in brachial plexus birth palsy

Case report

Bošnjak, Roman; Bačovnik, Urška; Podnar, Simon; Benedičič, Mitja: T1-nerve root neuroma presenting with apical mass and Horner’s syndrome
Sethi, Nitin K; Torgovnick, Josh; Arsura, Edward; Johnston, Alissa; Buescher, Elizabeth: Facial diplegia with hyperreflexia-a mild Guillain-Barre Syndrome variant, to treat or not to treat?
Ginn, Stuart D; Cartwright, Michael S; Chloros, George D; Walker, Francis O; Yoon, Joon-Shik; Brown, Martin E; Wiesler, Ethan R: Ultrasound in the diagnosis of a median neuropathy in the forearm: case report

Short report

Subbanna, Prasanna Kumar T; Prasanna, CG; Gunale, Bhagawat K; Tyagi, Manoj G: Acetyl salicylic acid augments functional recovery following sciatic nerve crush in mice

Meeting report
