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Abstracts (HTML)
List of Authors
Academician, MD
Obstetrical hemorrhages
Adamyan, L
Systematization of female genital anomalies
Aghayeva, S
The new possibilities of differenzial diagnosis of endometriomas
Ailamazyan, EK
Obstetrical hemorrhages
Aivazyan, TA
Combined hyperplastic processes of the reproductive system organs
Aleksandrova, N
First trimester serum and ultrasound marker distribution in singleton pregnancy conceived with assisted reproductive technology
Thrombophilic genetic polymorphisms and placental histomorphology in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology
Anapolski, M
Pektopexie: Ein vielversprechendes Verfahren zur Korrektur des vaginalen Deszensus
Andreas, E
Bestimmung der Wertigkeit des MRT in der präoperativen Diagnostik der Endometriose
Andronova, N
Does preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) reduce risk of adverse reproductive outcomes in balanced chromosome translocations' (BCTs) carriers?
Anton, A
Laparoscopic extramucosal partial bladder resection in a patient with symptomatic deep-infiltrating endometriosis of the bladder, adenomyosis uteri and asymptomatic deep-infiltrating endometrio-sis of the rectum
Apolikhina, I
Clinical effectiveness of bulking agent hyaluronic acid/dextranomer (Urodex)
Volume-forming substances for treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women
Arnold, J
Neurotrophic events in peritoneal endometriotic lesions
The role of the sympathetic and sensory nervous system in peritoneal endometriotic lesions
Arutunyan, AV
Combined hyperplastic processes of the reproductive system organs
Baev, O
Mifepristone versus intracervical prostaglandin E2 gel for cervical ripening and labor induction
First trimester serum and ultrasound marker distribution in singleton pregnancy conceived with assisted reproductive technology
Thrombophilic genetic polymorphisms and placental histomorphology in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology
Banerjee, C
Pektopexie: Ein vielversprechendes Verfahren zur Korrektur des vaginalen Deszensus
Barcena de Arellano, ML
Neurotrophic events in peritoneal endometriotic lesions
The role of the sympathetic and sensory nervous system in peritoneal endometriotic lesions
Baston-Büst, DM
Eileiter-Epithelzellen des Schweins – ein in-vitro-Modell für die menschliche Extrauteringravidität?
Behrendt, K
Bestimmung der Wertigkeit des MRT in der präoperativen Diagnostik der Endometriose
Belyaev, AM
Historical data on the Prof. N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology and its Ongynecology Department
Bezhenar, VF
Laparoscopical and vaginal approaches in correction of POP – pros and cons
Borovik, N
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and reproductive system of woman
Briese, V
The combined influence of maternal body mass index (BMI) and smoking on the somatic development of female and male neonates
Bührer, C
Kühlung von Neugeborenen nach perinataler Asphyxie
Bulagay-Mörschel, M
Reduction of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in a high-risk group with the NO-donor penterythriltetranitrat (PETN) – a prospective randomized double-blind placebo trial
Bychkov, I
Fetoplacental Insufficiency In Pregnant Women With Uterine Scar Defect
Bychkov, V
Fetoplacental Insufficiency In Pregnant Women With Uterine Scar Defect
Bykovskaya, O
Does preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) reduce risk of adverse reproductive outcomes in balanced chromosome translocations' (BCTs) carriers?
Chernenkov, Y
Menstrual disorders and mammary dysplasias in adolescent girls
Chiantera, V
Neurotrophic events in peritoneal endometriotic lesions
Chuvashkin, D
Neovagina-Bildung Besondere Fälle: MKRHS
Dehn, I
Organerhaltende Resektion einer ausgeprägten Adenomyosis uteri der Fundushinterwand mit der laparoskopisch-modifizierten Osada-Technik
Donnikov, A
Thrombophilic genetic polymorphisms and placental histomorphology in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology
Doronina, O
Does preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) reduce risk of adverse reproductive outcomes in balanced chromosome translocations' (BCTs) carriers?
First trimester serum and ultrasound marker distribution in singleton pregnancy conceived with assisted reproductive technology
Dubova, E
Thrombophilic genetic polymorphisms and placental histomorphology in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology
Ebert, AD
Diagnostik und Therapie des Vulvakarzinoms – eine retrospektive Analyse der Daten aus den 6 Vivantes Frauenkliniken im Vergleich mit den Daten des FIGO Annual Report 2006
Expression of GLUT-1 in human eutopic endometrium, in peritoneal endometriotic lesions, and in deep-infiltrating endometriosis
Neurotrophic events in peritoneal endometriotic lesions
Organerhaltende Resektion einer ausgeprägten Adenomyosis uteri der Fundushinterwand mit der laparoskopisch-modifizierten Osada-Technik
Maldescensus ovarii – eine mögliche Ursache für Unterbauchschmerzen junger Frauen
Primary vaginal anterior rectum resection with laparoscopic anastomosis in a woman suffering from rectal stenosis because of deep-infiltrating endometriosis (DIE)
Laparoscopic extramucosal partial bladder resection in a patient with symptomatic deep-infiltrating endometriosis of the bladder, adenomyosis uteri and asymptomatic deep-infiltrating endometrio-sis of the rectum
Einspanier, R
Eileiter-Epithelzellen des Schweins – ein in-vitro-Modell für die menschliche Extrauteringravidität?
Elena, B
Laparoscopic myomectomy (LM) with bilateral temporary occlusion of the internal iliac arteries (IIA)
Entezami, M
Verwendung eines ultradünnen Fetoskopes für die Laser-Koagulation plazentarer Anastomosen bei feto-fetalem Transfusionssyndrom verbessert signifikant das neonatale Outcome
Falkert, A
Verwendung eines ultradünnen Fetoskopes für die Laser-Koagulation plazentarer Anastomosen bei feto-fetalem Transfusionssyndrom verbessert signifikant das neonatale Outcome
Faustmann, T
Verträglichkeit von Dienogest in der Endometriosetherapie: Analyse gepoolter Daten aus dem klinischen Entwicklungsprogramm
Fehr, D
Eileiter-Epithelzellen des Schweins – ein in-vitro-Modell für die menschliche Extrauteringravidität?
Fitzgerald, J
The pivotal role of protein inhibitors of activated STATs (PIAS) in regulating trophoblastic functions
Gerlinger, C
Verträglichkeit von Dienogest in der Endometriosetherapie: Analyse gepoolter Daten aus dem klinischen Entwicklungsprogramm
Golubeva, D
Results of clinical application Apogee (Apogee AMS USA) for surgical correction rectocele
Groten, T
Reduction of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in a high-risk group with the NO-donor penterythriltetranitrat (PETN) – a prospective randomized double-blind placebo trial
Gumenyuk, O
Menstrual disorders and mammary dysplasias in adolescent girls
Gus, A
First trimester serum and ultrasound marker distribution in singleton pregnancy conceived with assisted reproductive technology
Hagen, C
Anwendung und biologisches Verhalten eines teilresorbierbaren Polypropylennetzes in der Brustchirurgie
Halis, G
Maldescensus ovarii – eine mögliche Ursache für Unterbauchschmerzen junger Frauen
Harms, E
Anwendung und biologisches Verhalten eines teilresorbierbaren Polypropylennetzes in der Brustchirurgie
Hess, AP
Eileiter-Epithelzellen des Schweins – ein in-vitro-Modell für die menschliche Extrauteringravidität?
Hesse, V
The combined influence of maternal body mass index (BMI) and smoking on the somatic development of female and male neonates
Hoffmann, F
Die blinde Medizinische Tastuntersucherin (MTU) in der Rehabilitation nach Brustkrebs – Nachsorgediagnostik und/oder psychoonkologischer Support?
Huber, G
Verwendung eines ultradünnen Fetoskopes für die Laser-Koagulation plazentarer Anastomosen bei feto-fetalem Transfusionssyndrom verbessert signifikant das neonatale Outcome
Janni, W
Eileiter-Epithelzellen des Schweins – ein in-vitro-Modell für die menschliche Extrauteringravidität?
Kähler, C
Reduction of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in a high-risk group with the NO-donor penterythriltetranitrat (PETN) – a prospective randomized double-blind placebo trial
Kalashnikova, I
Periodontal viruses as a factor in premature birth
Kamoeva, S
Results of clinical application Apogee (Apogee AMS USA) for surgical correction rectocele
Kästner, I
Dmitrij Oskarovič Ott (1855–1929) und seine Bedeutung für die Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie in Russland
Kavteladze, E
The new possibilities of differenzial diagnosis of endometriomas
Khachaturyan, L
The pivotal role of protein inhibitors of activated STATs (PIAS) in regulating trophoblastic functions
Reduction of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in a high-risk group with the NO-donor penterythriltetranitrat (PETN) – a prospective randomized double-blind placebo trial
Kleinsorgen, C von
Expression of GLUT-1 in human eutopic endometrium, in peritoneal endometriotic lesions, and in deep-infiltrating endometriosis
Kobela, JB
Neovagina-Bildung Besondere Fälle: MKRHS
Kroker, A
Diagnostik und Therapie des Vulvakarzinoms – eine retrospektive Analyse der Daten aus den 6 Vivantes Frauenkliniken im Vergleich mit den Daten des FIGO Annual Report 2006
Krüger, CM
Primary vaginal anterior rectum resection with laparoscopic anastomosis in a woman suffering from rectal stenosis because of deep-infiltrating endometriosis (DIE)
Krüger, K
Bestimmung der Wertigkeit des MRT in der präoperativen Diagnostik der Endometriose
Organerhaltende Resektion einer ausgeprägten Adenomyosis uteri der Fundushinterwand mit der laparoskopisch-modifizierten Osada-Technik
Laparoscopic extramucosal partial bladder resection in a patient with symptomatic deep-infiltrating endometriosis of the bladder, adenomyosis uteri and asymptomatic deep-infiltrating endometrio-sis of the rectum
Krüssel, JS
Eileiter-Epithelzellen des Schweins – ein in-vitro-Modell für die menschliche Extrauteringravidität?
Lanowska, M
Bestimmung der Wertigkeit des MRT in der präoperativen Diagnostik der Endometriose
Organerhaltende Resektion einer ausgeprägten Adenomyosis uteri der Fundushinterwand mit der laparoskopisch-modifizierten Osada-Technik
Maldescensus ovarii – eine mögliche Ursache für Unterbauchschmerzen junger Frauen
Primary vaginal anterior rectum resection with laparoscopic anastomosis in a woman suffering from rectal stenosis because of deep-infiltrating endometriosis (DIE)
Laparoscopic extramucosal partial bladder resection in a patient with symptomatic deep-infiltrating endometriosis of the bladder, adenomyosis uteri and asymptomatic deep-infiltrating endometrio-sis of the rectum
Leibbrand, B
Die blinde Medizinische Tastuntersucherin (MTU) in der Rehabilitation nach Brustkrebs – Nachsorgediagnostik und/oder psychoonkologischer Support?
Makarenko, T
Modern technology in the treatment of patients with purulent inflammatory diseases of uterine appendages
Makarov, O
Results of clinical application Apogee (Apogee AMS USA) for surgical correction rectocele
Makiyan, Z
Female genital malformations: new hypothesis about embryo-morphogenesis
Systematization of female genital anomalies
Markert, U
The pivotal role of protein inhibitors of activated STATs (PIAS) in regulating trophoblastic functions
Marx, T
Maldescensus ovarii – eine mögliche Ursache für Unterbauchschmerzen junger Frauen
Mechsner, S
Expression of GLUT-1 in human eutopic endometrium, in peritoneal endometriotic lesions, and in deep-infiltrating endometriosis
Neurotrophic events in peritoneal endometriotic lesions
The role of the sympathetic and sensory nervous system in peritoneal endometriotic lesions
Mecke, H
Diagnostik und Therapie des Vulvakarzinoms – eine retrospektive Analyse der Daten aus den 6 Vivantes Frauenkliniken im Vergleich mit den Daten des FIGO Annual Report 2006
Mendling, W
Diagnostik und Therapie des Vulvakarzinoms – eine retrospektive Analyse der Daten aus den 6 Vivantes Frauenkliniken im Vergleich mit den Daten des FIGO Annual Report 2006
Molotkov, AS
Pathogenetic therapy of genital endometriosis
Müller, B
Diagnostik und Therapie des Vulvakarzinoms – eine retrospektive Analyse der Daten aus den 6 Vivantes Frauenkliniken im Vergleich mit den Daten des FIGO Annual Report 2006
Naberezhnev, Y
Periodontal viruses as a factor in premature birth
Naegler, H
Trägerformen, Rechtsformen und Struktur der Leitung der Krankenhäuser in Deutschland
Niedobitek-Kreuter, G
Expression of GLUT-1 in human eutopic endometrium, in peritoneal endometriotic lesions, and in deep-infiltrating endometriosis
Organerhaltende Resektion einer ausgeprägten Adenomyosis uteri der Fundushinterwand mit der laparoskopisch-modifizierten Osada-Technik
Primary vaginal anterior rectum resection with laparoscopic anastomosis in a woman suffering from rectal stenosis because of deep-infiltrating endometriosis (DIE)
Noé, KG
Pektopexie: Ein vielversprechendes Verfahren zur Korrektur des vaginalen Deszensus
Olbertz, D
The combined influence of maternal body mass index (BMI) and smoking on the somatic development of female and male neonates
Oleg, S
Laparoscopic myomectomy (LM) with bilateral temporary occlusion of the internal iliac arteries (IIA)
Orlova, V
Periodontal viruses as a factor in premature birth
Poehlmann, T
The pivotal role of protein inhibitors of activated STATs (PIAS) in regulating trophoblastic functions
Popiela, A
Neovagina-Bildung Besondere Fälle: MKRHS
Popov, EN
Combined hyperplastic processes of the reproductive system organs
Potin, VV
Hyperprolactinemic ovarian insufficiency
Prager, M
Laparoscopic extramucosal partial bladder resection in a patient with symptomatic deep-infiltrating endometriosis of the bladder, adenomyosis uteri and asymptomatic deep-infiltrating endometrio-sis of the rectum
Richter, DU
Anwendung und biologisches Verhalten eines teilresorbierbaren Polypropylennetzes in der Brustchirurgie
Roemer, VM
Basic principles of the FHR in acidotic and non-acidotic fetuses – an attempt to determine pH continuously using computer-aided procedures
Rohne, J
Organerhaltende Resektion einer ausgeprägten Adenomyosis uteri der Fundushinterwand mit der laparoskopisch-modifizierten Osada-Technik
Maldescensus ovarii – eine mögliche Ursache für Unterbauchschmerzen junger Frauen
Primary vaginal anterior rectum resection with laparoscopic anastomosis in a woman suffering from rectal stenosis because of deep-infiltrating endometriosis (DIE)
Laparoscopic extramucosal partial bladder resection in a patient with symptomatic deep-infiltrating endometriosis of the bladder, adenomyosis uteri and asymptomatic deep-infiltrating endometrio-sis of the rectum
Röhrich, S
Verträglichkeit von Dienogest in der Endometriosetherapie: Analyse gepoolter Daten aus dem klinischen Entwicklungsprogramm
Rulev, VV
Pathogenetic therapy of genital endometriosis
Rulinski, J
Pektopexie: Ein vielversprechendes Verfahren zur Korrektur des vaginalen Deszensus
Rumyantseva, V
Mifepristone versus intracervical prostaglandin E2 gel for cervical ripening and labor induction
Rüster, C
Neurotrophic events in peritoneal endometriotic lesions
The role of the sympathetic and sensory nervous system in peritoneal endometriotic lesions
Saidova, A
Clinical effectiveness of bulking agent hyaluronic acid/dextranomer (Urodex)
Schleussner, E
The pivotal role of protein inhibitors of activated STATs (PIAS) in regulating trophoblastic functions
Reduction of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in a high-risk group with the NO-donor penterythriltetranitrat (PETN) – a prospective randomized double-blind placebo trial
Schleußner, E
The combined influence of maternal body mass index (BMI) and smoking on the somatic development of female and male neonates
Schmitz, J
Anwendung und biologisches Verhalten eines teilresorbierbaren Polypropylennetzes in der Brustchirurgie
Schneider, A
Neurotrophic events in peritoneal endometriotic lesions
The role of the sympathetic and sensory nervous system in peritoneal endometriotic lesions
Schneider, U
Reduction of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in a high-risk group with the NO-donor penterythriltetranitrat (PETN) – a prospective randomized double-blind placebo trial
Schön, J
Eileiter-Epithelzellen des Schweins – ein in-vitro-Modell für die menschliche Extrauteringravidität?
Seidelsohn, A
Diagnostik und Therapie des Vulvakarzinoms – eine retrospektive Analyse der Daten aus den 6 Vivantes Frauenkliniken im Vergleich mit den Daten des FIGO Annual Report 2006
Seitz, C
Verträglichkeit von Dienogest in der Endometriosetherapie: Analyse gepoolter Daten aus dem klinischen Entwicklungsprogramm
Semiglazov, VF
Neoadjuvant (preoperative) Systemic therapy for breast cancer
Semiglazov, VV
The modern treatment of breast carcinoma in situ
Serikova, ES
Modern technology in the treatment of patients with purulent inflammatory diseases of uterine appendages
Shadouh, S
Anwendung und biologisches Verhalten eines teilresorbierbaren Polypropylennetzes in der Brustchirurgie
Shamarin, S
Fetoplacental Insufficiency In Pregnant Women With Uterine Scar Defect
Shchegolev, A
Thrombophilic genetic polymorphisms and placental histomorphology in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology
Shechovskay, S
Periodontal viruses as a factor in premature birth
Sofronova, D
The new possibilities of differenzial diagnosis of endometriomas
Sokolov, VN
Modern technology in the treatment of patients with purulent inflammatory diseases of uterine appendages
Solodovnikov, A
Does preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) reduce risk of adverse reproductive outcomes in balanced chromosome translocations' (BCTs) carriers?
Solomatina, A
The new possibilities of differenzial diagnosis of endometriomas
Tarasova, MA
Contraception, abortions, demography in Russia
Tchirikov, M
Verwendung eines ultradünnen Fetoskopes für die Laser-Koagulation plazentarer Anastomosen bei feto-fetalem Transfusionssyndrom verbessert signifikant das neonatale Outcome
Thiel-Moder, U
Expression of GLUT-1 in human eutopic endometrium, in peritoneal endometriotic lesions, and in deep-infiltrating endometriosis
Tiselko, A
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and reproductive system of woman
Torsten, U
Diagnostik und Therapie des Vulvakarzinoms – eine retrospektive Analyse der Daten aus den 6 Vivantes Frauenkliniken im Vergleich mit den Daten des FIGO Annual Report 2006
Tskhai, VB
Modern technology in the treatment of patients with purulent inflammatory diseases of uterine appendages
Urmancheeva, A
Treatment in early-stage ovarian cancer
Vercellino, GF
Neurotrophic events in peritoneal endometriotic lesions
Viktor, E
Laparoscopic myomectomy (LM) with bilateral temporary occlusion of the internal iliac arteries (IIA)
Vladimir, K
Endothelium at the physiological flow of pregnancy
Voigt, M
The combined influence of maternal body mass index (BMI) and smoking on the somatic development of female and male neonates
Volgina, O
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and reproductive system of woman
Walden, R
Basic principles of the FHR in acidotic and non-acidotic fetuses – an attempt to determine pH continuously using computer-aided procedures
Weber, M
The pivotal role of protein inhibitors of activated STATs (PIAS) in regulating trophoblastic functions
Weller, J
The combined influence of maternal body mass index (BMI) and smoking on the somatic development of female and male neonates
Wilson, T
Primary vaginal anterior rectum resection with laparoscopic anastomosis in a woman suffering from rectal stenosis because of deep-infiltrating endometriosis (DIE)
Wolf, A
Die blinde Medizinische Tastuntersucherin (MTU) in der Rehabilitation nach Brustkrebs – Nachsorgediagnostik und/oder psychoonkologischer Support?
Yakovenko, S
Does preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) reduce risk of adverse reproductive outcomes in balanced chromosome translocations' (BCTs) carriers?
Yarmolinskaya, MI
Pathogenetic therapy of genital endometriosis
Yuri, K
Laparoscopic myomectomy (LM) with bilateral temporary occlusion of the internal iliac arteries (IIA)
Yutkin, E
Does preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) reduce risk of adverse reproductive outcomes in balanced chromosome translocations' (BCTs) carriers?
Zaretskaya, NV
Does preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) reduce risk of adverse reproductive outcomes in balanced chromosome translocations' (BCTs) carriers?
Zglienicki, W von
Expression of GLUT-1 in human eutopic endometrium, in peritoneal endometriotic lesions, and in deep-infiltrating endometriosis
Zirke, K
Die blinde Medizinische Tastuntersucherin (MTU) in der Rehabilitation nach Brustkrebs – Nachsorgediagnostik und/oder psychoonkologischer Support?