DOI : 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Issue 09 · Volume 75 · July 2009 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-19380

57th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research
Geneva, Switzerland, August 16–20, 2009

Chairman: Kurt Hostettmann

Kazazi, F; Halkes, SBA; Quarles van Ufford, HC; Beukelman, CJ; Van den Berg, AJJ: Inhibition of xanthine oxidase activity by Filipendula species
Dhooghe, L; Maregesi, S; Maes, L; Cos, P; Apers, S; Vlietinck, A; Pieters, L: Bioassay guided isolation of antiplasmodial constituents from Ormocarpum kirkii
Kırmızıbekmez, H; Atay, İ; Kaiser, M; Yeşilada, E; Tasdemir, D: Antiprotozoal activities of Melampyrum arvense and its secondary metabolites
Piozzi, F; Arnold, NA; Formisano, C; Rigano, D; Senatore, F; Simmonds, MSJ: Oviposition deterrent effects of Scutellaria brevibracteata Stapf. essential oil
Leonti, M; Gertsch, J; Casu, L; Cottiglia, F; Solinas, MN; Bonsignore, L; Raduner, S; Altmann, KH: Bioactivity guided and random isolation of polyacetylenic compounds from Seseli praecox
Zídek, Z; Harmatha, J; Vokáč, K; Kmoníčková, E: Immunosuppressive effects of sesquiterpene lactones from Laser trilobum (L.) Borkh
Kmoníčková, E; Harmatha, J; Vokáč, K; Melkusová, P; Zídek, Z: Thapsigargin and trilobolide – sesquiterpene lactones with immunostimulatory properties
Popova, M; Chinou, I; Bankova, V: New antibacterial terpenes from Cretan propolis
Damianakos, H; Graikou, K; Pietrosiuk, A; Sykłowska-Baranek, K; Chinou, I: Shikonin pigments from cultures of Lithospermum canescens and Arnebia euchroma
Runyoro, D; Ngassapa, O; Vagionas, K; Aligiannis, N; Graikou, K; Chinou, I: Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of four Ocimum species growing in Tanzania
Severi, JA; Potterat, O; Hamburger, M; Vilegas, W: Oleanane saponins from Guapira graciliflora
Potterat, O; Schütz, C; Bänziger-Tobler, N; Detmar, M; Hamburger, M: Profiling of Iris germanica extracts by LC-PDA-MS and off-line microprobe NMR
Baumgartner, L; Fakhrudin, N; Atanasov, AG; Heiss, E; Schwaiger, S; Ellmerer, EP; Rollinger, JM; Dirsch, VM; Stuppner, H: Discovery of benzofuran derivatives in Ratanhiae radix as novel inhibitors of NF-κB activation
Donath, O; Hager, E; Eder, R; Reznicek, G; Dirsch, VM: eNOS-activating polyphenol fractions from Austrian red wines
Borcsa, B; Widowitz, U; Csupor, D; Forgo, P; Bauer, R; Hohmann, J: Semisynthesis and pharmacological investigation of lipo-alkaloids prepared from aconitine
Da Silva, G; Taniça, M; Rocha, J; Serrano, R; Gomes, ET; Sepodes, B; Silva, O: Anti-inflammatory and toxicity evaluation of Maytenus heterophylla and M. senegalensis extracts
Ahmat, N; Basilon, S; Zakaria, ZA; Ahmad, R; Zain, WZWM: Antinociceptive activity of Ficus deltoidea aqueous extract in experimental animals
Wangensteen, H; Phan, TT; Malterud, KE: New labdane diterpenes from Solidago canadensis
Mukherjee, D; Khatua, TN; Biswas, A; Biswas, T; Saha, BP; Mukherjee, PK: Effect of Nelumbo nucifera on nitric oxide production and co-stimulatory molecules
Ferchichi, L; Le Ray, AM; Guilet, D; Litaudon, M; Awangt, K; Hadi, A; Hamid, A; Richomme, P: Bio-active secondary metabolites from two Malaysian Clusaceae: Calophyllum flavo-ramulum and C. wallichianum
Magiatis, P; Mexia, N; Galanou, M; Koutrakis, S; Stathopoulou, K; Gaitanis, G; Velegraki, A; Bassukas, I; Skaltsounis, AL; Marselos, M; Pappas, P: Malassezia spp. extracts and metabolites induce the AhR dependent genes in HaCaT cells
Grevenstuk, T; van der Hooft, JJJ; Vervoort, J; Gonçalves, S; Romano, A: Identification of antimicrobial agents from Drosera intermedia using HPLC-MS/HPLC-SPE-NMR
Venkataraman, SK; Moores, A; Stone, A; Hurst, A; Mikell, JR; Moraes, RM; McChesney, JD: Fractional Extraction of Plant Biomass: Generation of Botanical Extract Libraries
Assimopoulou, AN; Ganzera, M; Stuppner, H; Papageorgiou, VP: Determination of penta- and tetra- cyclic triterpenes in Pistacia lentiscus resin
Blunder, M; Lass, A; Schühly, W; Bucar, F; Bauer, R: The norepinephrine transporter as a target for natural products and derivatives
Rocha, G; Roughan, JV; Leach, MC; Flecknell, PA; Ingram, CD; Brandt, K: Traditional use, chemical analysis and antinociceptive effects of Hyptis crenata Pohl
Kouloura, E; Halabalaki, M; Lallemand, MC; Tillequin, F; Skaltsounis, AL: Studies of acetophenones from Acronychia laurifolia with HPLC, FCPC and LC-MS techniques
Cretton, S; Bartholomeusz, TA; Jeannerat, D; Muñoz, O; Christen, P; Hostettmann, K: New cyclobutane-containing tropane alkaloids from the aerial parts of Schizanthus grahamii
Urgen, M; Kocabaş, F; Nalbantsoy, A; Serçinoğlu, O; Hames-Kocabaş, E; Uzel, A; Bedir, E: Bioassay-guided isolation studies on mesophilic Actinomycete M-33–5 possessing antibacterial and cytotoxic activities
Sevimli-Gür, C; Onbaşılar, İ; Atilla, P; Çakar, N; Deliloğlu-Gürhan, İ; Bedir, E: Wound healing effects of cycloartane-type triterpenes isolated from Astragalus species
Sevimli-Gür, C; Onbaşılar, İ; Atilla, P; Çakar, N; Deliloğlu-Gürhan, İ: Wound healing effects of c-phycocyanin isolated from Spirulina platensis
Tangmouo, JG; Ho, R; Meli Lannang, A; Komguem, J; Hostettmann, K: Activity guided isolation of antioxidants from the stem bark of Diospyros sanza-minika A. Chevalier
Demir, S; Karaalp, C; Bedir, E: Secondary metabolites of Centaurea depressa Bieb
Miceli, N; La Barbera, TM; Trovato, A; De Pasquale, R; Güvenç, A; Marino, A; Bellinghieri, V; Maimone, P; Celi, MG; Taviano, MF: Comparative antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of branches extracts of five Juniperus species in Juniperus section from Turkey
Thamburan, S; Cannon, J; Mabusela, W; Folk, W; Johnson, Q: Tulbaghia alliacea: A potential anti-tuberculosis phytotherapy
Chung, HS; Kang, KA; Zhang, R; Piao, MJ; Ko, DO; Wang, ZH; Chae, SW; Kim, ES; Hyun, JW: Oryzadine, a new alkaloid, attenuates oxidative stress-induced cell damage via a radical scavenging effect
Özkan, T; Karabay, ZA; Koç, A; Karadag, A; Aydos, S; Çalıskan, E; Öztürk, G; Ilgaz, SN; Yükselen, I; Sunguroglu, A: Wheatgrass extract increases proliferation of RAW 264.7 macrophages induced by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
Yadav, NP; Khatri, R; Bawankule, DU; Pal, A; Shanker, K; Srivastava, P; Gupta, AK; Chanda, D: Topical anti-inflammatory effects of Ocimum basilicum leaf extract in the phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate model of mouse ear inflammation
Tavares, L; Pimpão, RC; Santos, C; McDougall, GJ; Stewart, D; Ferreira, RB: Phytochemical characterization of Juniperus spp. leaves
González Mosquera, DM; Kilonda, A; Toppet, S; Compernolle, F; Dehaen, W; Apers, S; Pieters, L; Cuéllar Cuéllar, A; Vicet Muro, L; Hernández Ortega, Y: A new flavonol with anti-inflammatory activity from Boldoa purpurascens Cav.
Pacifico, S; D'Abrosca, B; Letizia, M; Fiorentino, A; Monaco, P: Antioxidant iridoid and phenylethanoid glycosides from Teucrium chamaedrys (L.)
Santos, C; Tavares, L; Fortalezas, S; Carillho, D; Pontes, V; McDougall, GJ; Stewart, D; Ferreira, RB: Neuroprotective and MMP-9 inhibitory activity of hydroethanolic extract of Arbustus unedo leaves
Dunder, RJ; Luiz-Ferreira, A; Almeida, ACA; De Faria, FM; Takayama, C; Souza-Brito, ARM: Anti-inflammatory properties of hexanic fraction of Agave sisalana in pleurisy model
Dunder, RJ; Luiz-Ferreira, A; Almeida, ACA; De Faria, FM; Takayama, C; Brito, ARMS: Analgesic study of hexanic fraction of Agave sisalana
Vougogiannopoulou, K; Fokialakis, N; Aligiannis, N; Cantrell, C; Skaltsounis, AL: New caulindoles from Raputia simulans Kallunki
Sinkkonen, J; Liimatainen, J; Karonen, M; Wiinamäki, K; Eklund, P; Sjöholm, R; Pihlaja, K: Pinobatol – a novel spirodienone sesquineolignan
Markovic, G; Sedej, I; Mišan, A; Sakač, M; Tadić, V; Mandić, A; Pestorić, M: Phenolic compounds and antioxidative properties of buckwheat grain, hull and flours