DOI: 10.1055/s-00000181

Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base

Ausgabe 05 · Volume 73 · Oktober 2012 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-23802

Original Article

Tomita, Takahiro; Hayashi, Nakamasa; Okabe, Motonori; Yoshida, Toshiko; Hamada, Hideo; Endo, Shunro; Nikaido, Toshio: New Dried Human Amniotic Membrane Is Useful as a Substitute for Dural Repair after Skull Base Surgery
Cosetti, Maura K.; Xu, Ming; Rivera, Andrew; Jethanamest, Daniel; Kuhn, Maggie A.; Beric, Aleksandar; Golfinos, John G.; Roland, J. Thomas: Intraoperative Transcranial Motor-Evoked Potential Monitoring of the Facial Nerve during Cerebellopontine Angle Tumor Resection
Kaku, Shougo; Miyahara, Kosuke; Fujitsu, Kazuhiko; Hataoka, Shunsuke; Tanino, Shin; Okada, Tomu; Ichikawa, Teruo; Abe, Toshiaki: Drainage Pathway of the Superior Petrosal Vein Evaluated by CT Venography in Petroclival Meningioma Surgery
Chaichana, Kaisorn L.; Jackson, Christopher; Patel, Amar; Miller, Neil R.; Subramanian, Prem; Lim, Michael; Gallia, Gary; Olivi, Alessandro; Weingart, Jon; Brem, Henry; Quiñones-Hinojosa, Alfredo: Predictors of Visual Outcome Following Surgical Resection of Medial Sphenoid Wing Meningiomas
Netto, Aloysio Augusto Tahan de Campos; Colafêmina, José Fernando; Centeno, Ricardo Silva: Dural Defect Repair in Translabyrinthine Acoustic Neuroma Surgery and Its Implications in Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak Occurrence
Van Gompel, Jamie J.; Giannini, Caterina; Olsen, Kerry D.; Moore, Eric; Piccirilli, Manolo; Foote, Robert L.; Buckner, Jan C.; Link, Michael J.: Long-Term Outcome of Esthesioneuroblastoma: Hyams Grade Predicts Patient Survival
González-Darder, José M.; Quilis-Quesada, Vicent; Talamantes-Escribá, Fernando; Botella-Maciá, Laura; Verdú-López, Francisco: Microsurgical Relations between Internal Carotid Artery–Posterior Communicating Artery (ICA-PComA) Segment Aneurysms and Skull Base: An Anatomoclinical Study
Lee, Dennis L.Y.; McCoul, Edward D.; Anand, Vijay K.; Schwartz, Theodore H.: Endoscopic Endonasal Access to the Jugular Foramen: Defining the Surgical Approach
Herzallah, Islam R.; Amin, Sameh; El-Hariri, Mona A.; Casiano, Roy R.: Endoscopic Identification of the Pharyngeal (Palatovaginal) Canal: An Overlooked Area
Somasundaram, Aravind; Pendleton, Courtney; Raza, Shaan M.; Boahene, Kofi; Quinones-Hinojosa, Alfredo: Harvey Cushing's Treatment of Skull Base Infections: The Johns Hopkins Experience