Eur J Pediatr Surg 2010; 20(2): 125-128
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1224192
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© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Intrapancreatic Duodenal Duplication Cyst as a Cause of Chronic Pancreatitis in a Child

N. Tantemsapya 1 , 3 , A. Chin 1 , H. Melin-Aldana 2 , R. A. Superina 1
  • 1Children's Memorial Hospital, Pediatric Surgery, Chicago, United States
  • 2Children's Memorial Hospital, Pathology, Chicago, United States
  • 3Siriraj Hospital, Pediatric Surgery, Bangkok, Thailand
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
15 June 2009 (online)


Pancreatitis in children can be due to trauma, viral infection, drug reactions, genetic causes, hyperlipidemia and other metabolic diseases. On occasion, pancreatitis may be the consequence of a congenital anomaly of the pancreaticobiliary duct system. Congenital pancreatic ductal abnormalities such as pancreaticobiliary duct maljunction and errors of pancreatic duct fusion such as pancreatic divisum have been identified as important causes of childhood pancreatitis [17]. Annular pancreas is due to incomplete rotation of the ventral pancreatic bud resulting in an abnormal connection between the ventral and dorsal anlage of the pancreas, and has been reported to be associated with pancreatitis and pancreaticobiliary neoplasia in adults [20].

Enteric duplications are relatively uncommon pediatric congenital anomalies that present in a variety of manners. Rarely do they present in the head of the pancreas or result in pancreatitis.

We present a case of a child with both annular pancreas and an intrapancreatic duodenal duplication cyst, which resulted in chronic pancreatitis, and discuss the therapeutic decision-making process used to treat her problem.


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Prof. R. A. Superina

Chicago USA

Phone: 1-773-883-6187

Fax: 1-773-975-8534
