Planta Med 1981; 43(9): 24-27
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-971467
Research Articles

© Hippokrates Verlag Stuttgart

Quinovic Acid Glycosides from Roots of Macfadyena unguis-cati

F. Ferrari, I. Kiyan de Cornelio[*] , F. Delle Monache, G. B. Marini Bettolo
  • Centro Chimica dei Recettori e delle Molecole Biologicamente Attive del C.N.R., c/o Istituto di Chimica - Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Roma, Italia
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
30 March 2007 (online)


Two glycosides, isolated in good yields from roots of Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) A. GENTRY (syn. Doxantha unguis-cati (L.) MIERS), gave on hydrolysis the same aglycone (quinovic acid). The sugar moieties have been identified as fucose and glucose respectively. This is the first time that saponins have been found in Bignoniaceae and their occurrence may account of the use of the plant in folk medicine.

1 * Fellowship from IILA/CNR. On leave from Universidad Mayor de San Marcos, Instituto de Botanica, Centro de Investigacion de recursos naturales. Lima (Perù).