DOI: 10.1055/s-00000015

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 20 · Mai 2010 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-21063

Original Article

Hammond, P. J.; Devdas, J. M.; Ray, B.; Ward-Platt, M.; Barrett, A. M.; McKean, M.: The Outcome of Expectant Management of Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformations (CCAM) of the Lung
Marte, A.; Borrelli, M.; Sabatino, M. D.; Balzo, B. D.; Prezioso, M.; Pintozzi, L.; Nino, F.; Parmeggiani, P.: Effectiveness of Botulinum-A Toxin for the Treatment of Refractory Overactive Bladder in Children
Turowski, C.; Leonhardt, J.; Teichmann, B.; Heim, A.; Baumann, U.; Kuebler, J. F.; Petersen, C.: Preconceptional Oral Vaccination Prevents Experimental Biliary Atresia in Newborn Mice
Honsawek, S.; Klaikeaw, N.; Vejchapipat, P.; Chongsrisawat, V.; Ruangvejvorachai, P.; Poovorawan, Y.: Cyclooxygenase-2 Overexpression is Associated with Clinical Outcome in Biliary Atresia
Turial, S.; Enders, J.; Schwind, M.; Schier, F.: Microlaparoscopy For Recurrent Abdominal Pain in Children
Baba, A. A.; Shera, A. H.; Bhat, M. A.; Hakim, S.; Sheikh, K. A.; Shah, O. J.: Management of Biliary Ascariasis in Children Living in an Endemic Area

Case Gallery

Ertan, G.; Sinzig, M.; Tekes, A.; Huisman, T. A. G. M.: Congenital Intercostal Liver Herniation: Report on two Neonates
Ardeshirpour, F.; Shockley, W. W.; Zdanski, C. J.: Lipoblastoma in the Masticator Space of an Infant
Lima, M.; Randi, B.; Gargano, T.; Tani, G.; Pession, A.; Gregori, G.: Extralobar Pulmonary Sequestration Presenting with Torsion and Associated Hydrothorax
Turk, E.; Temir, Z. G.; Karkiner, A.; Memis, A.; Topalak, O.; Evciler, H.; Ucan, B.; Karaca, I.: Bilhemia, An Unusual Complication after Blunt Liver Trauma in a Child: Case Report and Review of the Literature

Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderchirurgie