DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Ausgabe 10 · Volume 32 · Oktober 2011 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-22330

Physiology & Biochemistry

Training & Testing

Marín, P. J.; Torres-Luque, G.; Hernández-García, R.; García-López, D.; Garatachea, N.: Effects of Different Vibration Exercises on Bench Press
de Barros, C. L. M.; Mendes, T. T.; Mortimer, L. Á. C. F.; Simões, H. G.; Prado, L. S.; Wisloff, U.; Silami-Garcia, E.: Maximal Lactate Steady State is Altered in the Heat
Salonikidis, K.; Amiridis, I.G.; Oxyzoglou, N.; Giagazoglou, P.; Akrivopoulou, G.: Wrist Flexors are Steadier than Extensors
Brazeau, A.-S.; Karelis, A. D.; Mignault, D.; Lacroix, M.-J.; Prud’homme, D.; Rabasa-Lhoret, R.: Accuracy of the SenseWear Armband™ during Ergocycling
Sousa, A. C.; Figueiredo, P.; Oliveira, N. L.; Oliveira, J.; Silva, A. J.; Keskinen, K. L.; Rodríguez, F. A.; Machado, L. J.; Vilas-Boas, J. P.; Fernandes, R. J.: V˙O2 Kinetics in 200-m Race-Pace Front Crawl Swimming
Lovell, D.; Mason, D.; Delphinus, E.; Eagles, A.; Shewring, S.; McLellan, C.: Does Upper Body Strength and Power Influence Upper Body Wingate Performance in Men and Women?
Sánchez-Muñoz, C.; Rodríguez, M. A.; Casimiro-Andújar, A. J.; Ortega, F. B.; Mateo-March, M.; Zabala, M.: Physical Profile of Elite Young Motorcyclists

Orthopedics & Biomechanics

Neuhof, A.; Hennig, F. F.; Schöffl, I.; Schöffl, V.: Injury Risk Evaluation in Sport Climbing

Clinical Sciences

Ruedl, G.; Webhofer, M.; Linortner, I.; Schranz, A.; Fink, C.; Patterson, C.; Nachbauer, W.; Burtscher, M.: ACL Injury Mechanisms and Related Factors in Male and Female Carving Skiers: A Retrospective Study
Kubo, K.; Yajima, H.; Takayama, M.; Ikebukuro, T.; Mizoguchi, H.; Takakura, N.: Changes in Blood Circulation of the Contralateral Achilles Tendon During and After Acupuncture and Heating

Letter to the Editor