DOI: 10.1055/s-00000015

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 13 · Juni 2003 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-2750


Holschneider, A. M.: Editorial

Review Article

Holland-Cunz, S.; Krammer, H.-J.; Süss, A.; Tafazzoli, K.; Wedel, T.: Molecular Genetics of Colorectal Motility Disorders

Original Article

Schäfer, K.-H.; Hagl, C. I.; Wink, E.; Holland-Cunz, S.; Klotz, M.; Rauch, U.; Waag, K.-L.: How to Approach the ENS: Various Ways to Analyse Motility Disorders in Situ and in Vitro
Rassouli, R.; Holschneider, A. M.; Bolkenius, M.; Menardi, G.; Becker, M. R.; Schaarschmidt, K.; Illing, P.; Hagel, C. I.; Holland-Cunz, S.; Löffler, W.; Schmittenbecher, P. P.; Baumgartner, G.; Lochbühler, H.; Höchst, B.; Schreiber, M.; Tewes, G.; Willital, G. H.; Höpner, F.; Seifarth, F.; Cattarius-Kiefer, U.; Bürger, D.; Engec, B.; Monse, T.; Benneck, J.: Long-Term Results of Rehbein's Procedure: A Retrospective Study in German-Speaking Countries
Dübbers, M.; Holschneider, A. M.; Meier-Ruge, W.: Results of Total and Subtotal Colon Resections in Children

Case Report

Wedel, T.; Tafazzoli, K.; Söllner, S.; Krammer, H. J.; Aring, C.; Holschneider, A. M.: Mitochondrial Myopathy (Complex I Deficiency) Associated with Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction