DOI: 10.1055/s-00000015

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Issue 06 · Volume 6 · December 1996 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-12317

Original article

Karnak, I.; Tanyel, F. C.; Müftüoğlu, S.; Ünsal, I.; Çakar, N.; Büyükpamukçu, N.; Hiçsönmez, A.: Esophageal Ligation: Effects on the Development of Fetal Organic Systems*
Kullendorff, C. M.; Békássy, A. N.: Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease in Wilms' Tumor
Chardot, C.; Iskandarani, F.; De Dreuzy, O.; Duquesne, B.; Pariente, D.; Bernard, O.; Gauthier, F.; Valayer, J.: Spontaneous Perforation of the Biliary Tract in Infancy: A Series of 11 Cases*
Farron, F.; Gudinchet, F.; Genton, N.: Hepatic Trauma in Children: Long-Term Follow-Up
Ciftci, A. O.; Tanyel, F. C.; Büyükpamukçu, N.; Hiçsönmez, A.: Appendicitis After Blunt Abdominal Trauma: Cause or Coincidence?
Bagolan, P.; Nappo, S.; Trucchi, A.; Ferro, F.; Alessandri, A.: Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction: Reducing Short-Term Complications by Surgical Refinements
Sarioğlu, A.; Şenocak, M.; Hiçsönmez, A.; Büyükpamukçu, N.: Management of Uncommon Complications of Definitive Operations of Hirschsprung's Disease

Case report

Cacciaguerra, S.; Barone, P.; Villa Trujillo, G. I.; Di Benedetto, F.; Bartoloni, G.; Milone, P.; Petrillo, G.; Di Benedetto, A.: Obstructive Jaundice Caused by Lymph Node Compression in a Child
Willnow, U.; Willberg, B.; Schwamborn, D.; Körholz, D.; Göbel, U.: Pancreatoblastoma in Children - Case Report and Review of the Literature
Uroz-Tristan, J.; Poenaru, D.; Urgellés, X. G.; Arencibia, L. L.; Alvarez, J. Q.; Santos, S. R.: Segmental Cecal Dilatation with Absent Appendix: A Case of Failure of Appendiceal Regression?
Sayan, A.; Demircan, M.; Erikçi, V. S.; Çelik, A.; Arikan, A.: Neonatal Bladder Rupture: An Unusual Complication of Umbilical Catheterization

Letters to the editors