DOI : 10.1055/s-00000094

Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie

Issue 01 · Volume 52 · January 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-26267

30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft zum Studium der Leber
Tübingen, 24. – 25. 1. 2014

Kongresspräsident: Prof. Dr. Alfred Königsrainer

Dauch, D; Wuestefeld, T; Kang, TW; Rudalska, R; Nault, JC; Hohmeyer, A; Hoenicke, L; Schirmacher, P; Longerich, T; Zucman-Rossi, J; Zender, L: A p19(Arf) and Aurka mediated G2/M arrest restricts oncogenic transformation of p53 deficient hepatocytes
Richter, M; Fairhall, EA; Hoffmann, SA; Schubert, F; Wright, MC; Zeilinger, K: Hepatic trans-differentiation of pancreatic hepatocyte-progenitor cells (B-13) in a 3D high-density culture system
Wutka, A; Palagani, V; El Khatib, M; Belhamer, H; Bozko, P; Malek, N; Plentz, R: Capsaicin impairs carcinogenesis of human intra- and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells
Zimmermann, HM; Moro, N; Sonntag, R; Bangen, JM; Nevzorova, YA; Haas, U; Lambertz, D; Gassler, N; Trautwein, C; Liedtke, C: Caspase-8 acts as a tumor suppressor in chemically induced hepatocarcinogenesis in mice
Weng, HL; Munker, S; Koenigsrainer, I; Sipos, B; Koenigsrainer, A; Nadalin, S; Dooley, S; Li, J: Decreased phosphorylated Smad3 at linker site predicts poor prognosis of patients with cholangiocarcinoma
Goeppert, B; Frauenschuh, L; Zucknick, M; Roessler, S; Stenzinger, A; Warth, A; End, C; Mollenhauer, J; Vogel, M; Mehrabi, A; Hafezi, M; Schirmacher, P; Weichert, W; Renner, M: Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumors 1 (DMBT1) is differentially expressed in cholangiocarcinogenesis and shows influence on patient survival
Vucur, M; Reisinger, F; Gautheron, J; Vargas Cardenas, D; Roderburg, C; Tacke, F; Trautwein, C; Heikenwälder, M; Luedde, T: Die RIP3-abhängige Nekroptose inhibiert die inflammatorische Hepatokarzinogenese durch eine Hemmung der Caspase-8- und JNK-abhängigen kompensatorischen Zellproliferation
Yurttas, C; Berchtold, S; Malek, NP; Bitzer, MP; Lauer, UM: Different 5-FC prodrug application regimes result in different oncolytic efficiencies
Venturelli, S; Berger, A; Weiland, T; Essmann, F; Waibel, M; Nübling, T; Häcker, S; Schulze-Osthoff, K; Salih, HR; Fulda, S; Sipos, B; Johnstone, RW; Lauer, UM; Bitzer, M: Differentielle Induktion von Apotose und Therapie-induzierter Seneszenz (TIS) durch die beiden DNA-Methyltransferase Inhibitoren 5-Azacytidin und 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidin
Marquardt, JU; Gomez-Quirez, L; Arreguin Camacho, LO; Pinna, F; Yun-Han, L; Kitade, M; Andersen, JB; Breuhahn, K; Galle, PR; Factor, VM; Thorgeirsson, SS: Effective depletion of hepatic cancer stem-like cells by NF-kB mediated inhibiton of histone deacetylases
Jara, M; Bednarsch, J; Lock, JF; Neuhaus, P; Stockmann, M: Einfluss Oxaliplatin-haltiger Chemotherapie auf die Leberfunktion – Ein Fallbericht
Hatting, M; Spannbauer, M; Cubero, FJ; Sellge, G; Gassler, N; Liedtke, C; Trautwein, C: Fehlen von gp130 in Hepatozyten verringert die Tumorlast in einem Modell der chemisch induzierten Leberkarzinogenese
Liese, J; Peveling-Oberhag, J; Moench, C; Schnitzbauer, A; Welker, MW; Bechstein, WO; Ulrich, F: Gibt es prädiktive Parameter für das frühe HCC-Rezidiv nach Lebertransplantation?
Cubero, FJ; Zhao, G; Nevzorova, YA; Al Masaoudi, M; Verdier, J; Peng, J; Schaefer, F; Hatting, M; Hermanns, N; Boekschoten, MV; Grouls, C; Gassler, N; Kiessling, F; Muller, M; Liedtke, C; Trautwein, C: Hematopoietic cells-derived Jnk1 drives hepatic injury and hepatocellular carcinoma in IKKγ/NEMO-deleted livers
Koch, A; Dorn, C; Müller, M; Bosserhoff, A; Hellerbrand, C: Hepatic steatosis enhances growth and invasiveness of hepatocellular carcinoma
Brückner, S; Tautenhahn, M; Winkler, S; Stock, P; Dollinger, M; Christ, B: Hepatocytic Differentiated Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Translational Research in the Pig
Loscher, C; Barikbin, R; Schildgen, J; Wulf, JH; Tiegs, G; Sass, G: Identification of HO-1/CO-induced tumor protective genes in HCC
Heinzmann, F; Kang, TW; Hohmeyer, A; Schirmacher, P; Geffers, R; Longerich, T; Zender, L: In vivo RNAi screen for new tumor suppressor genes in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Lühr, CS; Quaas, A; Fahl, M; Lohse, AW; Schrader, J: Induktion eines alternativen Makrophagenphänotyps durch die Tumorzellen im HCC
Lupke, M; Eggenhofer, E; Geissler, EK; Schlitt, HJ; Melter, M; Weiss, T: Ischämie-Reperfusions vermittelter Schaden wird durch das Leberregenerations assoziiertes Protein ALR vermittelt
Bühler, NEM; Thiel, K; Thiel, C; Schulze-Osthoff, K; Königsrainer, A; Schenk, M: Kontrollierter Prozess zur Generierung einer azellularisierten Lebermatrix
Scheller, T; Hellerbrand, C; Schmidt, K; Geissler, EK; Schlitt, HJ; Lang, SA: mTOR Inhibition verbessert die Effektivität der FGFR Blockade im HCC Modell
Waldburger, N; Habbe, N; Schulze, F; Lindenmaier, H; Ulrich, F; Bechstein, WO; Schirmacher, P; Longerich, T: Multifocal β-catenin activated hepatocellular adenomas (HCA) with malignant transformation in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after abuse of anabolic steroids
Rudalska, R; Dauch, D; McJunkin, K; Kang, TW; Wuestefeld, T; Geffers, R; Schirmacher, P; Lowe, S; Longerich, T; Laufer, S; Zender, L: Multiplex in vivo RNAi screening instructs combination therapies to increase the therapeutic efficacy of the multikinase inhibitor sorafenib
Pesic, M; Wolter, K; Wuestefeld, T; Kang, TW; Chawla, R; Geffers, R; Klawonn, F; Schirmacher, P; Malek, N; Premsrirut, PK; Longerich, T; Zender, L: Negative Selection In Vivo RNAi Screening Identifies a Ribosomal Protein As A New Therapeutic Target In Liver Cancer
Bozko, P; El Khatib, M; Palagani, V; Malek, N; Wilkens, L; Plentz, R: Notch signaling is required for cholangiocarcinoma progression and is enhanced by inactivation of p53 in vivo
Gürlevik, E; Fleischmann-Mundt, B; Brooks, J; Woller, N; Manns, MP; Kubicka, S; Kühnel, F: Resectable transgenic tumor models in mice for biliary cancers
Dediulia, T; Dropmann, A; Itzel, T; Meindl-Beinker, N; Teufel, A; Cai, S; ten Dijke, P; Dooley, S: Screening for TGFB Signaling Regulator expression in human HCC
Berchtold, S; Weiland, T; Lampe, J; Smirnow, I; Venturelli, S; Berger, A; Reiser, J; Stubenrauch, F; Malek, NP; Bitzer, M; Lauer, UM: Secondary resistances to measles virus (MeV)-based virotherapy
Finkelmeier, F; Köberle, V; Bojunga, J; Kronenberger, B; Zeuzem, S; Trojan, J; Piiper, A; Waidmann, O: Severe 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency identifies HCC patients with a poor prognosis
Finkelmeier, F; Bettinger, D; Köberle, V; Schultheiß, M; Kronenberger, B; Piiper, A; Waidmann, O: Single measurement of hemoglobin predicts outcome of HCC patients
Samarin, J; Stein, I; Horwitz, E; Ho, C; Chen, X; Pikarsky, E; Calvisi, D; Schirmacher, P; Breuhahn, K: Stabilization of protumorigenic FUSE binding proteins (FBPs) in hepatocarcinogenesis
Weinmann, A; Koch, S; Schulze-Bergkamen, H; Sprinzl, M; Düber, C; Lang, H; Otto, G; Woerns, MA; Galle, PR: Survival analysis of proposed BCLC B subgroups in hepatocellular carcinoma patients
Calvisi, DF; Tao, J; Ranganathan, S; Cigliano, A; Jiang, L; Fan, B; Armeanu-Ebinger, S; Delogu, S; Ribback, S; Dombrowski, F; Monga, SPS; Chen, X; Evert, M: Synergistische Effekte von Beta-Catenin und YAP führen zur Entstehung von Hepatoblastomen in Mäusen und beim Menschen
Lange, N; Tsamo, AT; Horst, AK; Nkengfack, AE; Tiegs, G; Sass, G: The limonoids TR4 and TR9 induce apoptosis in mouse and human hepatoma cell lines
Brunner, SM; Kesselring, R; Rubner, C; Martin, M; Jeiter, T; Boerner, T; Ruemmele, P; Schlitt, HJ; Fichtner, S: Tumor containment by immune cells and fibrotic capsule improve survival of patients following resection of colorectal liver metastasis
Ploeger, C; Long, EL; Budhu, A; Walker, R; Meltzer, P; Wang, XW; Roessler, S: Tumor suppressive mechanisms in hepatocellular carcinoma through inhibition of IL-6 signaling
Werner, CR; Egetemeyr, DP; Nadalin, S; Königsrainer, A; Lauer, UM; Malek, NP; Berg, CP: Verträglichkeit und Wirksamkeit einer Telaprevir Triple-Therapie der Hepatitis C, Genotyp 1 nach Lebertransplantation – SVR 24 Daten