DOI: 10.1055/s-00000031

Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde

Issue 12 · Volume 237 · December 2020 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-49946


Steinwender, Gernot; Shajari, Mehdi; Mayer, Wolfgang J.; Kook, Daniel; Dirisamer, Martin; Kohnen, Thomas: SMILE – Small Incision Lenticule Extraction SMILE – Small Incision Lenticule Extraction
Schick, Tina; Heimann, Heinrich; Schaub, Friederike: Netzhautablösung – Teil 1 Retinal Detachment Part 1

Für Sie notiert

In eigener Sache

Dank an die Gutachter


Guthoff, Rudolf F.; Stachs, Oliver: Neue Technologien – wo bleibt die ärztliche Kunst in der Augenheilkunde? New Technologies – What is the Future of the Art of Medicine in Ophthalmology?


Heimann, Heinrich; Broadbent, Deborah; Cheeseman, Robert: Digital Ophthalmology in the UK – Diabetic Retinopathy Screening and Virtual Glaucoma Clinics in the National Health Service Article in several languages: English | deutsch
Raber, Florian Philipp; Gerbutavicius, Rokas; Wolf, Armin; Kortüm, Karsten: Smartphone-Based Data Collection in Ophthalmology Article in several languages: English | deutsch
Langner, Soenke; Beller, Ebba; Streckenbach, Felix: Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Article in several languages: English | deutsch

Klinische Studie

Zwingelberg, Sarah Barbara; Bachmann, Björn O.; Cursiefen, Claus: Real Life Data on Efficacy and Safety of Topical NGF Eye Drops (Cenegermin) Article in several languages: English | deutsch
Andrassi-Darida, Monika; Mais, Christine; Stieger, Knut; Lorenz, Birgit: Fluoreszenzangiografieassistiertes Management von Rezidiven bei aggressiver posteriorer Frühgeborenenretinopathie (APROP) nach intravitrealer Monotherapie mit 0,312 mg Bevacizumab Fluorescence Angiography-assisted Management of Recurrences in Aggressive Posterior Retinopathy of Prematurity (APROP) after Intravitreal Monotherapy with 0.312 mg Bevacizumab

Experimentelle Studie

Langenbucher, Achim; Szentmáry, Nóra; Wendelstein, Jascha; Hoffmann, Peter: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Calculation of Intraocular Lens Power Article in several languages: English | deutsch
Bohn, Sebastian; Stahnke, Thomas; Sperlich, Karsten; Linke, Stephan J.; Farrokhi, Sanaz; Klemm, Maren; Allgeier, Stephan; Köhler, Bernd; Reichert, Klaus-Martin; Witt, Martin; Stachs, Oliver; Guthoff, Rudolf F.: In vivo Histology of the Cornea – from the “Rostock Cornea Module” to the “Rostock Electronic Slit Lamp” – a Clinical “Proof of Concept” Study Article in several languages: English | deutsch

Der interessante Fall

Cvetkov, Yordan; Gamulescu, Andreea; Helbig, Horst: Tageszeitliche Schwankungen subretinaler Flüssigkeit bei Grubenpapille Daytime Fluctuations of Subretinal Fluid in Optic Disc Pit Maculopathy
Kasuya, Yuka; Sano, Ichiya; Makino, Shinji: Interstitial Keratitis with Lipid Keratopathy Mimicking Corneal Opacity Induced by Brimonidine Tartrate Eye Drops Interstitielle Keratitis mit Lipidkeratopathie ähnlich wie Hornhauttrübung mit Nebenwirkungen von Brimonidine-tartrate-Augentropfen